Belly Casting

Recently the Georgia Birth Network had a workshop for Doulas and Birth Professionals wanting to learn to do pregnant belly casts for their clients. With the help of 6 'models' we had a fun and messy afternoon. Instead of getting really messy, I used my camera to document the process.

Thanks to Nichole who offered the use of her kitchen, Beatriz for organizing the event, GBN members Joyce, Tonia, Crystal, Annette, Kate and Karen for doing the castings and of course Jennifer B, Jennifer G, Linda, Tamar, Bianca and Catherine for offering their lovely bellies.

Here are a few of my favorite images:

Getting ready, Bea shows give us tips on cutting up the plaster strips.

One of the models, Bianca, just before we started.

Annette was not taking any chances and brought a "space suit" to protect her from the mess.

The models in varying stages of casting

Catherine's Belly, before casting her hands

Bea applying plaster to Bianca's belly

Applying plaster to Jennifer B (background) and Catherine (foreground with Annette)

Linda's belly in process

Tamar (who was due that day) looking ready to 'pop'. She delivered a baby girl 3 days later!

Linda's completed casting

One of my favorites, Jennifer G's 'heart' cast. She is also a doula and will be attending a birth with me soon and I can't wait to do her own maternity and birth sessions!

Bea helping Jennifer B take her completed cast off.

Bea helps Bianca with her completed cast.

Kate helping Tamar with her cast

Bea holding a completed cast

I look forward to seeing how these ladies finished their castings and hopefully taking pictures of their newborns with the casts we made.

If you are expecting and would like to have a cast made, just contact us, we can add a casting session to any of our maternity sessions.

>^..^< ~Cat~

5 Comments. Click Here to Add Your Comments!:

    What a super wonderful thing all these moms-to-be did!!! That is awesome! What a treasure they will forever have and have to share with their babies.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog, Mike!

    Be well,

    On 9:20 AM Anonymous said...

    ooh that is interesting! And pictures are one thing, but the belly cast REALLY shows the size!

    On 11:36 AM Anonymous said...

    i've never heard of this before. what an amazing idea, thanks for posting! women need to feel beautiful, especially at a late stage in pregnancy when they may feel uncomfortable.

    On 8:50 AM Lisa Stein said...

    My friend did one of those, it is so cool to see on their wall as the kids grow up! Love that you show different things here on your blog!!!

    On 1:50 PM abcdef said...

    I bet this was a lot of fun to photograph...of course, from a distance! :-) Wouldn't want any of that plaster stuff splashing on your camera.