Happy Valentine's Day!

We had so many wonderful submissions for our contest that it was hard to choose the winners.  The nominations captured our hearts and the following families will receive a photo session and be featured on our website.  We look forward to meeting them and capturing the Love in their lives! Thank you to all that sent us nominations.  

Here are our contest winners.  Stay tuned in the next few weeks as we unveil their session images.

The McCallum Family 
Cheron nominated her family and the fact that her family opened not only hearts but their home touched us.  She says "Everyone in my home has given something of value to them to make everyone feel as comfortable and complete as they possibly can... Thats what family is all about...WE ALL "Capture the Love" on a daily basis, whether by ourselves or ALL together!" 

Elisabeth Laskey
Danna nominated her 22 year old daughter who is working hard on her recovery and loves to pose for pictures.  This photo session "would put a smile on her beautiful face"  

The Peavey Family
Melanie nominated her friend, Sarabeth Peavey, and her family.  "Sarabeth and James have had a year of challenges and trials, Sarabeth and family "capture the love," by focusing on joy, others, and love. Whenever any of her friends is struggling or has a need, she is the first to offer support.  What makes Sarabeth so inspiring is that despite her pain, her tiredness, and her struggles, she chooses to reach out rather than to lash out. She loves her family, she loves her friends, and she has her eyes open for strangers and acquaintances that need love. 

Bob and Edie Johnson
Nicole says of her grandparents, "At 78 and 76 years of age they can still dance with the best of them, literally. People are amazed at their relationship after every hardship the two of them have faced.  I believe in my heart that my Grandparents deserve this opportunity because they love everyone unselfishly.  I have watched them literally give their last dime away so that no one has to do without.  They way they, kiss, talk, and still argue with the best of them is like something out of a novel.  I have many cousins who have admitted that they knew my Grandparents would be there even when their own father wasn’t.

Who knows, we may still have another 20 years with them but it would really mean a lot for them to have the opportunity to have professional portraits that showcase a love that many of us long to know."

The Smith Family
Jessica nominated her son, David who is a very special miracle to her.  "As a parent, you want your children to be like you. I want to be like David. I want to be friendly and positive and always wearing a smile. I want to be happy and playful even when I'm sick and don't feel good. I want to find the positive in the negative. I want to take the assets I have and do more with them than anyone expected."

The DeMerritt Family
Erica nominated her husband because he is an "awesome father, and I am so lucky to be married to him.  I am so happy that he is finally experiencing the unconditional love between a parent and child and the beauty of having a family. He had such an ambivalent relationship with his own parents it is incredible that he is such a loving and caring father. He is the perfect daddy-o and you can see this in every interaction he has with his two boys!"

We hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day and does something special for those that mean the most to them! 


2 Comments. Click Here to Add Your Comments!:

    On 5:00 PM Anonymous said...

    Awesome contest entries. I can see why it was so hard to choose. Hope you both are well. Judging by the photo of you two kissing each other it appears so. Love you guys and see you next time I am in ATL.

    On 3:19 PM abcdef said...

    That would be hard to narrow down. I hope and two had a wonderful Valentine's Day as well.
    Cat- I hope you had a great birthday! :-)